Seven years ago, I actively began participating in my healing journey, progressively reflecting on, inner-standing, and integrating ancestral and generational traumas and wounds. For most of my life, I suffered from anxiety, depression, lack of focus, hyperactivity, and suicidal ideation. In my late twenties and mid-thirties, I coped by avoiding and numbing myself with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sexual promiscuity, constant social engagements, distractions, toxic consumerism, and by feeding a frequency of self-hatred, hedonism, vanity, and materialism.
A dark night of the soul brought me to my knees. Curled into a fetal position, sobbing, and begging for mercy and liberation from this human existence. It was a level of hopeless disempowerment that felt suffocating, wretched, and destructive. Courageously facing my shadow and finally listening to what my body was desperately trying to communicate, I began reconnecting with my health and wellness. Being introduced to Usui Reiki Natural Healing and making conscious, mindful lifestyle changes became my salvation.
My journey continued to unfold with deep lessons, realizations, redirections, and transformations. What has allowed me to live in a more balanced way and more connected to a state of equanimity and empowerment, is the power of my own breath. Exploring various breathing exercises, journeying with Conscious Connected Breathwork, and traveling through my subconscious mind and non-ordinary states of reality have brought a depth of self-exploration, acceptance, curiosity, and resilience that was once missing in my life.
My nervous system continues to attune and align with the frequency of stillness and peace. I feel more grounded and stable during times of chaos and turbulence, more flexible and fluid during triggers and activations. The external stimuli that once made my throat tighten, heart palpitate, hands shake, pupils dilate, stomach churn with crippling fear no longer hold me hostage in survival stress responses. I am able to sit and stand still, calmer, more composed, less resistant and defensive, more patient and compassionate.
Breathing into my inner child, my inner elder, and my higher self has granted me profound insight, wisdom, strength, perseverance, resilience, and the power of positive transmutation. My journey with my body and breath is a remembrance of my soul's infinite desire to fully experience this human life. Transcending limitations and the illusion of separation, uniting the fragmented pieces of a fractured psyche, and reclaiming my power and purpose as a sovereign creator and starseed in physical form.